On August 29, 1997, after almost
25 years of outstanding service, Cavalla was inactivated in
preparation for her decommissioning. With her crew resplendent in white
dress uniforms, the occasion was both solemn and splendid. The small Navy
band played many standards as the guests were chaperoned to their seats. A
red-white-and-blue-bannered podium situated on the submarine aft of the
sail faced the onlookers. At the appointed hour of 1000, the master of
ceremonies announced the arrival of the principals. All stood for the
anthem, the flag gently stirring on the pole.
The invocation was given by Lt.
Underwood, the COMSUBRON ONE Chaplain. This was followed by a welcome from
the Commander of Submarine Squadron One, Capt. Thomas Kyle. RADM Jerry
Ellis, Commander of the Submarine Forces, US Pacific Fleet, gave an
introductory speech.
The principle address was delivered by ADM Bruce DeMars, USN, Ret. Adm.
DeMars was Cavalla's first Commanding Officer, from Feb. 1973 to
Dec 1974, and was the Director, Naval Nuclear Propulsion, for the eight
years prior to his retirement. Adm. DeMars outlined the objectives for
which Cavalla was created: to contain an aggressive and powerful
Soviet Union, and deter any nation from encroachment on US interests. He
said that Cavalla was called upon for many specialized operations
and was known as the Pacific Fleet's "SpecOps" vessel.
Next, Cavalla's Commanding
Officer, CDR Charles J. Leidig, explained his role in the success of this
boat. He pointed out the hard work and contributions of his officers and
crew. He expressed his heartfelt thanks to his lovely wife, Mary, for her
loyalty and support. Cdr. Leidig then relinquished command of the
submarine to CDR Russel J. Grocki. Cdr. Grocki delivered his remarks and
stood by as the commissioning pennant was hauled down.
Following the ceremony, a
reception was held. A procession formed up to greet and congratulate
Commanders Leidig and Grocki. The hall was filled with Navy men and their
families and friends. A wide array of hot and cold dishes, champagne, and
salads were served around an ice sculpture representing a triumphant
dolphin. COB John C. Veverka and the chiefs presented Cmd. Leidig with a
special award--a large framed photo of Cavalla thrusting her sail
through the Arctic ice, with a commemorative brass plaque. It didn't stop
there. Several other presentations were made by a crew that obviously
respected and admired their captain.
As the reception began to wind down, some members of the Internet
journalism community were given tours of the boat by Chief Pat Miller.
Several knowledgeable crew members explained the general workings and
compartments of Cavalla. She was in tip-top shape and looked ready
for another 25 years of service.
On a personal note: I was
fortunate in making the CO's acquaintance early this year through the
Internet, the Cavalla SS-244 Tribute being the joining medium. He
exceeded the bounds of graciousness by extending an invitation to attend
the Inactivation Ceremony. Quickly thereafter, I received e-mail from the
COB John Veverka
and Chief Pat Miller. These men were my hosts to this
event and to a large extent, to my trip in Hawaii. John and Pat went way
out of their way, taking us to outstanding restaurants and island
attractions and in making my wife and me feel welcome. The ceremony was mightily
impressive, and Adm. DeMars rendered a stirring speech. I wish to publicly
extend my deepest appreciation to them and the Navy for a wonderful
experience that I'll never forget.
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